Publications & interviews

Szojka, Z. A., Nicol, A., Frenguelli, N. D., Rooy, D. L., & Henderson, H. (2022).
The impact of multiple interviews on the accuracy and narrative coherence of children's memories.
Psychology, Crime & Law, 28(10), 980-1003.

Hegemony and right-wing extremism: Exploring constructions of masculinity in right wing terrorist manifestos (with reviewers at Critical Studies in Terrorism).

Transphobia in the Buffalo Shooter's Manifesto.
Published by VOX-Pol Blog.

My wish to be a #Tradwife: An introduction to tradwife memes on Whisper.
Published by GNET Insights.

Tech Against Terrorism Podcast:
What is the #tradwives movement?

NextJS site created by Sophia Warren.

Original CSS & design by Genevieve Clifford.